Ethics Topics: Health Advice

All over the Internet health advice is being dispensed on all manner of sites--blogs, news sites, organization sites, social networks, and so forth. Some of the advice is offered by doctors, but much of it is doled out by people with no medical training whatsoever. Still other advice, such as on herbs and other alternative medicines, the people talking about it have non-traditional medical training. They didn't go to medical school in other words, but they studied their subject somewhere somehow.

The advice ranges from dieting tips to cancer treatments. Search any medical topic, and you'll likely find loads of tips, treatments, and opinions.

Medical applications new exist for phones as well. The website Mashable reported this week that a man claimed his iPhone saved his life in the Haiti earthquake due to a medical application and the GPS that guided him to safety.

The more we search the more we can probably find both good and bad examples of people following health advice through digital means. What are the ethics of giving health advice online?

Ethics Topics: Telecommuting

There's a trend now toward people working from home in order to economize on fuel, using technology then toward advancing an environmentally ethical goal, but this article in Forbes claims telecommuting doesn't actually do anything to help the environment.

Is it or isn't it better? Is it or isn't it a question of ethics?

It could be interesting to research.

Ethics Topics: Children Online

The safety of children is of great concern in online activities as is their exposure to unsuitable web content. This might seem like an easy ethics topic to write about, but in fact it is pretty complicated. For one, we have broad societal consensus that anything harmful to children is unacceptable. In other words, there's no one to argue with if you want to try to persuade people that child cyber-stalking, or child porn, or in any other way preying on children online is wrong. Everybody already agrees that it is wrong.

Thus, if you want to make an ethical argument, you need to find a way to approach the subject in ways that normal people (anyone short of an outright sociopath) might reasonably disagree with.

You might go about this in any number of ways. One approach might be to investigate and debate the choices parents make in an effort to protect children. Does a child or teenager, for example, have privacy rights? Is it wrong for a parent to engage in digital spying in the name of protecting the child? If parents do spy on their children's online activities, how far is too far to take the effort?

You might also look at issues that fall short of actual cyber-stalking but could also be misconstrued or viewed as unethical by some. What about parents friending their children's friends on social networking sites or teachers friending students? That in itself might not be unethical, but what if the adults discuss things with the children or post things that the children see that those children's own parents wouldn't approve of? Where should adults and children draw the line on cyber-relationships?

Then of course there is the issue of schools blocking certain types of Internet sites in an effort to protect children. Sometimes the blocks also keep out educational sites that classrooms might find useful. What are the ethics of this? Where are we right or wrong to make blanket decisions about what classrooms can access?

What do you think? What are some other ways this topic could be addressed?

Ethics Topics: Helping Others

Volunteerism and community service are often cited as positive examples of ethical behavior. It's easy to agree that it is a good thing to give back to your own community or to help others in ways that you have been helped. The book Pay It Forward is a recent popular call to action of this nature.

This week we've seen horrific tragedy take place in Haiti with one of the most devastating earthquakes ever on record. We've also seen one of the first major examples of giving through text messaging as Americans donated millions in relief funds $10 at a time via text.

The information about how to donate by cell phone was spread through tradition television and newspaper media, but it was also spread by individuals through forwarding emails, Tweeting, and posting links to Facebook, MySpace, and other social media outlets.

What are the ethical considerations of these actions? How can individuals use digital media to engage in and/or promote ethical behaviors?

Ethics Topic: Photo Manipulation

Photoshop and other editing programs make changing pictures very easy. We're so accustomed to seeing images that have been manipulated for artistic purposes that they no longer even surprise us. That doesn't mean, however, that when pictures appear to be realistic, we will suspect them of being manipulated. But what if they have been?

There was a case of a journalist who photoshopped pictures from Iraq that caused quite a stir. His photo combining created an image that made it appear as though a British soldier was pointing a gun at an Iraqi child. This made for a more dramatic image but not necessarily truth in reporting.

When is it wrong to photoshop? If a picture is supposed to worth a thousand words, at what point do we change those words beyond recognition by manipulating the image?

Ethics Topic: Anonymity and Comment Wars

News sites, blogs, and all sorts of web resources now come with a comment feature so that the reader can join the conversation started by the article. Look around at popular news articles, though, and you'll find many anonymous comments made by people who used screen names rather than real names. How often do those anonymous comments turn nasty? They can so easily become hostile, disrespectful, and disruptive to the overall conversation. This might happen anyway, but we might assume that the ability to post anonymously makes people feel freer to be rude.

What are the ethical concerns in this situation? Should we be concerned that anonymity lead people to be more disrespectful of others? Should we be concerned about the widespread practice of hostile, uncivil debate that often takes place online? Is engaging in this practice unethical at the individual level? Is it damaging to society at the cultural level?

Ethics Topics: Public Embarrassment

This may not be what people think of first when they think of digital ethics, but do you ever wonder about those websites that are designed for the purpose of mocking others. One example to gain recent notoriety is People of Walmart. It's funny. It's hilarious. But are these real people in the pictures? Do they know they are being photographed? Have they given their permission for their photographs to be used for public mockery? Are these viable ethical concerns?

The site, People of Walmart, actually does have a statement defining at least some of its own ethics on the About page:

This is purely for entertainment purposes only. We don’t need to see pictures of you and your dumb friends dicking around at Walmart. There is no reason to send us pictures of people that are seriously and unfortunately handicapped so don’t be an asshole. We are trying to have some fun here and there is a difference between someone who is mentally challenged and a person who has a fu Manchu and is still rocking MC Hammer pants.
By this logic, there are times when it is okay to mock people and times when it isn't. To a degree, we probably all ascribe to that principle. Where we might differ is in the particulars of when, where, and how mockery is harmless and when, where, and how it is unacceptable.

The Wall Street Journal published an article in 2007 about people who use the Internet to shame others for bad behavior, calling into question the act of public shaming itself. You can find a copy of the article here.

What do you think? What are the ethics of using the Internet to publicly embarrass others either for entertainment purposes or for purposes of correcting bad behavior?

Ethics Topics: Text Messaging

If any technology has changed our lives, it's text messaging. Last time I checked, the average number of texts sent on any given day exceeded 4 billion. That number can only grow from here. Texting is also now one of our most debated topics. States are adopting text messaging bans for drivers. Schools, including Jones County Junior College, are banning cell phones and text messaging from the classroom.

Yet as fast as bans are set, people find ways around them. Teenagers, the most active text messengers by far, are responsible for the immense popularity of a ring tone that cannot be heard by an older ear.

Almost any public event up to and presumably including religious services now includes people fiddling with phones during the event.

This brings us to some questions. Is text messaging at certain times and in certain situations merely rude, or is it unethical? If it is dangerous, does that make it unethical? If it diminishes the experience that others get from the event, does that make it unethical?

Is text messaging during class or during school events a matter of ethics, or is it simply a fact of changing times?

What are some ethical dilemmas you see brought about by a constantly texting society?

Ethics Topics: Online Relationships

Perhaps one of the most profound changes technology has wrought on society is the ability to form and maintain human relationships online. Dating sites are only one example. People connect and reconnect with friends, family, professional contacts, and romantic interests through social networking sites like Facebook, through gaming sites like WoW, and through virtual worlds like Second Life.

It's also brought broken relationships with people citing online infidelity as cause for divorce like the now infamous British woman who accused her husband of a Second Life affair.

With these new types of relationships, we have new challenges to traditional relationship ethics. If a woman goes out for drinks in real life with a former romantic partner without telling her current romantic partner about it, we probably each have an immediate opinion about the ethics of the situation even without knowing all of the details. What if that same woman friends the former partner on a social network instead? What if it's a network on which she actually has hundreds of contacts? Is she obligated to full disclosure?

These new ways of conducting relationships bring not only new arenas in which to decide right and wrong but also new challenges to deciding degrees of right and wrong. At which point does Facebook chatting behind your partner's back become the equivalent of meeting a person face-to-face behind your partner's back?

There are many possible answers to this question and others.

  • Is it wrong to pretend to be someone else on a social networking site? If so, how wrong?
  • Is it wrong to make your qualities sound a little better than strictly true on an online dating site? If so, how wrong?
  • Is it wrong to have multiple flirtatious chat relationships going on at once in which there is mental intimacy but not physical intimacy and in which none of the various partners are aware of the others? If so, how wrong?
No doubt you'll have your own ideas for ethics questions to explore. We are only just discovering what people might do with and to their relationships in social networking environs. Opportunities for original ethical studies abound.

Ethics Topics: Social Networking

Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and other social networking sites bring up lots of ethical questions. Here are a few to consider:

Time Theft: Is it wrong to check Facebook from work? Is that actually stealing time from employers? Or does feeling connected to friends help to facilitate focus and productivity?

Privacy: Where do you cross the line on violating the privacy of a friend when posting information about that friend online? You wouldn't spill a potentially life-altering secret told in confidence, but would you post a picture without permission? Would you repeat something learned on that friend's Facebook wall to someone outside the Facebook list that friend chose to share it with? Would you tell something embarrassing about the friend in a semi-anonymous manner (without using the name but in a way others might guess)?

Intellectual Property: Are you posting items on your social networks without acknowledging how you found them? Are you stealing clever status updates from others? Are you retweeting without including the original tweeter's identity in the post?

An ethical study of social networking would ask that we consider our answers to questions like this in light of whether we believe the behaviors to be right or wrong. It also asks of us that we examine how we arrive at our conclusions of right and wrong. By what basis do we determine our ethics, especially in situations that may be new to us and new enough to society at large that we don't have a strong tradition to tell us how others have judged right and wrong?

These are just a few of the ways you might begin research a paper on social networking and ethics. You'll probably want to brainstorm more ideas before you begin.

Defining Ethics

David B. Resnik explains ethics like this:

When most people think of ethics (or morals), they think of rules for distinguishing between right and wrong, such as the Golden Rule ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"), a code of professional conduct like the Hippocratic Oath ("First of all, do no harm"), a religious creed like the Ten Commandments ("Thou Shalt not kill..."), or a wise aphorisms like the sayings of Confucius. This is the most common way of defining "ethics": ethics are norms for conduct that distinguish between or acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
Ethics can also be thought of as the personal code of conduct we each adopt through which we govern our own behavior. We might shape our own ethics based on religious beliefs and/or social norms, but we do make personal ethical choices each day as we decide how to conduct our jobs, how to treat the people around us, and which activities to engage in or abstain from based on a sense of right and wrong.

Sometimes ethical choices are very clear. We can all agree that hurting other people is wrong. If someone stood up during a meeting and suddenly punched another person in the room for no reason, there would be easy and general consensus that the behavior was wrong.

If someone sent a text message while another person was speaking during a meeting, we would move into murkier ground. Some might consider the behavior rude or ill-advised but wouldn't go so far as to say it was unethical. Others might believe it was clearly wrong, and still others wouldn't see a problem with it at all, or would perhaps want to know more details about the urgency of the text message before deciding.

Maybe the text messaging scenario would be judged differently by people of different ages or people of different cultures. Maybe it would be judged differently by people who stay connected to their livelihoods through text messaging and those who don't.

Regardless, what we can know is that rapidly changing technology brings about new ethical questions almost faster than we can process them. In this class, we're going to examine some of those questions as we research and consider varying ways to approach them.


Welcome to Writing About Ethics in the Digital Age, a site created for Dr. Sharon Gerald's ENG 1123 classes at Jones County Junior College.